Once your chart is made, it is also ready to Present.

Viewing the Presentation

  1. With your file open in Timeline Maker, select View, Presentation. or select F5.  
  2. Your chart will be in Presentation mode like a slide show. 
  3. Navigate through the presentation using your mouse click, the toolbar* at the bottom of the screen, or your arrow keys on your keyboard. 
  4. To exit the presentation,  press the Esc key. 

*Note: The presentation's toolbar is located in the bottom center of your chart, but by default is set to Auto Hide. To access the toolbar slide your mouse to the bottom center of your chart. 

To make adjustments to how your Presentation appears:

Every time you create a new chart it is saved in your Chart List to the extreme left. If you do not see it expand it. Click View, Chart List (Version 4 and 3) or click the Chart List tab (version 2).  You can specify different presentation options for each chart on the chart list, or do nothing and try the default options all ready for you.

The order of the charts in the list is the sequence which they will be shown in the presentation. 

  • To rearrange your charts, click on a chart thumbnail image  and drag it to the desired position. Repeat as necessary. 
  • Popular option:   Fit Height: Scales the chart so that the chart height fills the screen.
  • Popular option:   Step Through: Displays an empty chart so that you can display the events one at a time.

Several other options are available for customizing the way your timelines are  displayed in the presentation. To access these options, see Timeline Maker Pro's View, Presentation options.    In version 4 and 3:  go to Chart, Presentation, and choose  the various options available.   In  Version 2: Timeline Maker Professional, click , Chart, Presentation Options, then select the desired option. A check mark indicates the option has been activated for the chart. 

Other options include:

  • Order: Enables the user to choose between presenting the events in the order they occurred or by category.
  • Justify (Right, Center): Used for positioning of chart when the active event would otherwise be off screen. Center shows the active event in the horizontal center of the chart. Right positions the chart so that active event is on the right hand side of the screen. (Timeline Maker Professional only.)
  • Highlight (None, Glow, Fade): Fade lightens events not in focus so that the active event is prominent, while Glow highlights the active event with a yellow outline. None displays the event without any added effects.
  • All charts are automatically given the name "Untitled" which identifies the chart "slide" in the presentation.  To assign a more meaningful title, right-click on the chart name and select Rename.
  • For any chart in your chart list that you do not want shown in a presentation:  Select the CHART menu, then Presentation, then remove its check-mark  in Show in Presentation... (Version 3 and 4)  Version 2 users: Click Chart, Presentation Options and make your selections.